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Your Questions Answered
General Questions
Bar Method studios welcome and support students both young and old. There’s no specific age limit, and in fact our classes include a wide diversity of age groups, from students in their 20s to their 70s. One reason The Bar Method is doable for older students is that teachers call out options for all exercises. Very strong students can choose to do one option, while others who are just building their strength choose another one. That way, all students get the best workout for their level of fitness.
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We have studios across the U.S. and Canada. Find a studio near you.
We can only consider an applicant as someone who has done The Bar Method at least 3 times per week for a minimum 3 months consecutively at either a Bar Method studio or with The Bar Method DVDs. Studio owners are required to teach classes and serve as role models for other teachers in their studio. They are to maintain high standards of quality in all aspects of the business and workouts. If you are interested and would like more information, please visit The Bar Method Franchising site.
Yes. The Bar Method will trim down your entire body, particularly your legs. During the first three-to-five months that you take class however, your muscles feel more present than before and so seem to be fuller. This is because newly toned muscles hold additional water, and also because intra-muscular fat has been pushed outwards. After around five months of classes, the intramuscular fat will burn away, your muscles will become more compact and elongated, and you will lose inches.
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Research shows that you get the best results from exercise by working out three-to-five times per week. The Bar Method is non-impact and safe for your joints, so unlike some other workouts you can do it up to six days a week and still allow enough time for your muscles to recover.
We advise that students listen to their bodies to find the frequency that works best for them. If you feel yourself getting stronger and feeling more confident, your frequency is at a good level. If you start feeling fatigued, you're probably over-doing it. The right frequency for you also depends on what else is going on in your life. If you're working 10 hours a day and not getting a lot of sleep, you might try taking class three days a week to see how that feels. Always be sure to listen to yourself and your body!
Yes. The Bar Method workout is fast-paced and challenges both your cardiovascular system and your muscle strength, creating an intense workout that burns calories throughout the class as well as for several hours after the workout.
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While you will see many women in a typical Bar Method studio, we have many male clients who love the workout as well! There are some incredible benefits of barre for men, including increased flexibility, improved core strength, and enhanced endurance. It’s non-impact, safe for the joints and a great cross-training workout for many other sports and activities. We encourage and welcome male clients to try The Bar Method!
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Yes. The Bar Method’s exercise formula is especially designed to maximize weight loss while strengthening muscles. Most students who do The Bar Method regularly become slimmer and lighter, sometimes within months. The results are what keep our clients coming back.
One of the reasons The Bar Method is so effective is that it intentionally targets your largest, most calorie-hungry muscle groups (those in your legs and glutes) and keeps them working at an intense pace. This combination of strength training and stamina building boosts the volume of energy you burn every moment during the class. Second, The Bar Method adds density to your muscle fiber, making your body more efficient at burning calories all day. Finally, The Bar Method’s quick and noticeable results – leaner and more lifted muscles – keep students motivated and feeling great about the transformation they can see in their bodies. It’s a great incentive to keep coming back and maintain an healthy lifestyle.
The Bar Method works for all body types and exercise levels.
Please visit your doctor before starting any type of exercise or physical activities.
The Bar Method is a non-impact workout designed by physical therapist to be gentle on your joints and rehabilitative. The Bar Method can for you if you have certain injuries and conditions such as; knee, shoulder and wrist injuries, lower back pain, arthritis, or scoliosis.
The Bar Method can become highly challenging with its ability to generate intense muscle burn and the necessity of your full attention to the positions of the workout. These qualities make The Bar Method suited for anyone as long as they are able and willing to stick with the exercise as muscles are feeling a burn and shake due to the positions and small isolated movements.
The Bar Method is most effective and recommended for post-adolescent bodies only.
Most Bar Method students burn 250-500 calories in a class, and continue to burn additional calories for several hours after the workout, due to the intense muscle work. Just how many calories you will burn depends on a number of variables such as your weight, your fitness level, your age, your previous weight loss patterns, how hard you work during class, and many other factors.
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Two forces are at play that are probably causing your weight gain if you’re relatively new to The Bar Method:
First, you’re in the first of two stages of body change where your muscles gain firmness. In stage two the fat around and between your muscles burns away. Stick to working out three-to-five times a week and you’ll reach stage two, during which you will burn off intra-muscular fat and your body will slim down, in about three-to-six months.
Second, you’ve probably encountered the heightened exercise hunger that descends on your appetite when you first embark on a new strengthening routine. The reason for this sudden increase in hunger is that your muscles are in the process of getting stronger, and they’re crying out to be fed. Don’t worry! Studies have found that regular exercise does a “180” on your appetite once you reach a cruising speed of body change: It depresses your appetite! That’s why you’ll notice that the students are lean and strong at The Bar Method. So make strengthening exercise part of your lifestyle, make healthy eating decisions, and you’ll be rewarded with a leaner, lighter body.
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The “Bar Method tuck” is a stance that maintains spine neutrality during weight-work and muscle isolations. In this stance, students recruit their bodies’ three core muscle groups, those in their upper backs (shoulder stabilizers), their torsos (abs), and under their spines (glutes). The “Bar Method tuck” thereby keeps these stabilizer muscles working to protect students’ spines and also to enhance the effectiveness of the exercise at hand.
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Yes! You should do The Bar Method, or some exercise form that includes gentle hamstring stretches which will help to increase the range of motion in your hips. The Bar Method works especially well because its alternating strength-stretch format exhausts your muscles before they’re stretched, allowing them to lengthen more easily. Several Bar Method stretches and exercises benefit the hamstring muscles, including: Stretch at the Bar, Round-Back and Final Stretch.
No! Bar Method students overwhelmingly say that the workout is continuously challenging, whether they have taken 3, or 300, classes. It grows on them over time, many clients say they become addicted to the workout. The Bar Method technique is so precise that students can continually work work to improve their form. And, the results are so noticeable that students develop a craving for what they get out of the workout and ultimately for the workout itself.
Injuries or Medical Conditions
Yes! The Bar Method instructors are well versed in human anatomy and can help you modify exercises to ensure you are comfortable while maintaining the effectiveness of the workout. Be sure to tell your instructor about your condition so they can best assist you. Please read applicable sections below to discover how The Bar Method can work for you.
Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional.
Having a hamstring strain is painful -- and easy to do! Dancers, cheerleaders, athletes of all kinds, and people who engage in any type of exercise can strain a hamstring. And the diagnosis is not great after that, since hamstring strains don’t heal quickly and can become chronic if left untreated. For this reason, your first step on your road to recovery is to see your doctor.
Once your doctor okays you to exercise, come back to class and tell your instructor you have a hamstring condition so he or she can give you the modifications you need to work safely. Then start slowly, be patient, and back off an exercise when you feel significant pain that is clearly caused by your injury and not a muscle burn.
Remember, while you’re recovering from a hamstring strain, don’t get ahead of yourself and push too hard! Listen to your body, and use the above modifications as long as is needed for the best resolution.
When your abs are weak, your body tends to compensate with other muscles. A “curl” motion might translate into an effort on the part of your neck rather than your abs. Your neck might also experience discomfort because of a natural tightness in your back muscles – not in itself a problem, but something you need to be aware of during ab work.
The Bar Method curl section offers solutions to both these conditions. Teachers provide their students with mats and a cushion they can place under their ribs if needed, and will then show them how to position the back support to work effectively. In the curl section of class, students are free to work at their own pace and can sit up and reset when needed.
With practice, most Bar Method students learn to do rhythmic curls with their abs and without neck discomfort.
Foot, ankle and calf injuries including bunions and plantar fasciitis are extremely common due to women’s love of dangerously high heeled shoes, the hard pavements we dash around on, and how easy it is in the general course of life for our feet and ankles to be sprained and broken.
The Bar Method is an ideal workout choice if you have one of these conditions. It’s non-impact, performed on a soft carpet, and provides special options for students with sensitive feet. As always, ask your Bar Method instructor for modifications as needed – he or she will be more than happy to help!
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Tens of thousands of Americans, most of them women, suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a compression of the median nerve at the wrist resulting in numbness and pain. An even greater number of people are genetically predisposed to this syndrome by having a smaller than average opening in their carpel tunnel, the passageway through which nerves travel through the wrist to the hand. Today, heavy computer use has increased the likelihood that these people will come down with the condition.
Falling on a hand or wrist, a common injury, is another way people end up with wrist pain. Remember to use pain as a guide, and stop when you feel significant pain in the area where you’re injured! Always see your doctor before you attempt to exercise. He or she can give you effective treatments and therapies for your condition.
The Bar Method has developed modifications for every exercise that exerts pressure on the wrists, so be sure to alert your instructor and take their adjustments for a personalized experience. By exercising mindfully, you’ll end up not only pain free but also with stronger joints that are less vulnerable to injury.
Sciatica is pain in the buttocks and the back of the legs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve or nerve roots. It’s really a symptom of several different conditions, including a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and degenerative disk disease.
If you have or have had sciatic pain, The Bar Method workout might be just what the doctor ordered. The Method originated as a therapeutic back strengthening program for a dancer who hurt her back. Consequently every exercise during the class focuses on strengthening, stretching or aligning the back.
Our shoulder joints are especially vulnerable to injury. This goes back to when we evolved from four-legged to two-legged animals. When we began to use our arms, our shoulder joints became more flexible so that we could use them to throw and reach. This gain in flexibility caused the joint to lose stability. Bar Method arm-work is, for this reason, designed by physical therapists to help stabilize your shoulders by helping you strengthen the “stabilizer” muscles around them.
If you have a shoulder injury, The Bar Method strongly recommends that you see a doctor before signing up to exercise. Physical therapy works well on shoulders, so you’ll optimize your recovery by putting yourself in the hands of a physical therapist before coming to a Bar Method class. Then, when you’re feeling better and get the ‘okay’ from your doctor to exercise, your Bar Method teacher will give you modifications to use in class that will help your shoulder continue to heal.
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Scoliosis is a common condition where there is an abnormal curvature of the spine to one side (a lateral curvature of the spinal column). Scoliosis may occur from weakness of the muscles around the spine or from the spine not fully developing with growth. It may create an imbalance in your posture muscles, abdominal muscles and hip muscles. Scoliosis will not prevent you from doing The Bar Method in good form, though your back may look different in some Bar Method exercises than other students – especially in “one-weight lifts,” “fold-over” and “arabesque.” Ask your instructor if you need guidance on the correct alignment for you.
The Bar Method is based in part on rehabilitative back therapy and has helped countless people to free themselves of back pain. The Bar Method’s exercises work because they “rewire” the connection between the core muscles and the limbs. The standing seat exercise, for example, teaches you to keep your spine stable while using your glutes, thereby teaching your body to move from the hips, not the lower back. The Bar Method also frees up your lower back muscles by gently stretching them throughout the class.
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Doctors say that exercise is the best therapy for varicose veins. Getting the heart pumping helps send blood through the veins and discourages the pooling that's the cause of the condition. The Bar Method has helped fade veins in some students. Its “round-back” exercise, which works the legs upside down, is especially good therapy for varicose veins since it allows gravity to draw the blood from your legs and back to your heart. Before you begin an exercise program, get your doctor’s okay to exercise. Then stick with the routine for at least six weeks if you can. Improving your fitness levels and getting stronger might help to alleviate your discomfort.
If you have any type of knee injuries, it’s important to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment before you exercise. After you get your doctor’s okay, The Bar Method workout can help you stabilize your knees by strengthening and aligning the muscles around them. This non-impact, highly controlled leg work is similar to what you’d do in physical therapy, and its gentle intensity is highly effective rehabilitation when you’re at the recovery stage. The Bar Method’s thigh exercises, are especially beneficial to the knees and can help alleviate most common knee conditions.
The Bar Method’s thigh exercises use the bar to help you keep your torso vertical rather than having it lean diagonally forward as in a classic squat performed in the gym. This difference acts to make your quads more elastic, increase the range of motion in your hips, and give your legs a streamlined look.
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Almost half of all women past menopause will develop a dowager’s hump, and you don’t want to be one of them. The Bar Method is ideal for keeping your bones strong and dense because its exercises are weight-bearing but non-impact, a perfect formula for putting the right amount of stress on your bones to build density without jarring your joints. Second, the many stretches performed during the class cause your muscles to tug at their underlying bones, stimulating your bones to grow stronger. Stretching also helps prevent impact injuries by making your muscles more elastic. Third, The Bar Method’s emphasis on strengthening around the hips and back helps prevent osteoporosis just where your body is most vulnerable to losing bone mass. Fourth, the posture exercises performed during the class reduce stress on the spine and shoulders. And finally, its balance work at the bar helps you steer clear of injuries from a fall.
If you already have osteoporosis, ask your doctor’s advice on the types of exercise you should and should not be doing.
Hip sensitivity can arise from many causes, among them years of running or dancing, inherent hip tightness, or simply being out of shape. The Bar Method workout features protections against overuse of your hip-flexors combined with non-impact core strengthening to stabilize and protect your hip joints. Inform your instructor if you have sensitive hip-flexors and they will provide you with modifications that will allow you to workout comfortable. Additionally, the work you’re doing to strengthen your quads and abdominals will contribute to the health of your hips in the long run.
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Why Physical Therapists Love The Bar Method for Patients with Hip Pain
Studies of patients with fibro-myalgia have found that low impact aerobic exercise and gentle stretching can decrease pain. Medical experts do not recommend intense weight lifting because it can result in excessive muscle soreness. So while The Bar Method is safe to do if you have fibro-myalgia, you’ll need to take occasional breaks during the class, especially at first, to ease the muscle-burn associated with the strength work. Tell your instructor about your condition, so he or she understands your need to rest.
If you get over the hump of initial soreness from your first Bar Method classes, your added strength, flexibility and improved posture will lessen the stress and strain on your muscles and joints. Other benefits of strengthening and stretching workouts are reduced depression, improved sleep and more energy. See your doctor for pain management if you have a severe case of fibro-myalgia.
The National Institutes of Health calls exercise “so important” for those with lupus because “too much rest can be harmful to muscles, bones and joints.” The NIH’s patient handout also says that exercise “can help you feel better, both mentally and physically.” Over the years Bar Method students with lupus have reported that their affected joints feel better after their Bar Method classes. Most of all these students have talked about overall increased well-being. All this said, check with your doctor before starting The Bar Method or any other exercise program.
Exercise headaches are a common medical phenomenon. They're usually caused by vassal dilation in the temporal arteries during intense exertion. We recommend that you discuss your headaches with your doctor and ask him or her about medications and other courses of treatment that could help.
Pregnant or Post Natal
First, bring a note from your doctor stating that you can safely participate in strengthening and stretching exercise classes while you are pregnant.
If you’ve never exercised at The Bar Method, we recommend that you take several Bar Online Pre-Natal classes so that your body gently becomes accustomed to the exercises and deep muscle work (while it’s already undergoing lots of other changes due to your growing belly). After you’re familiar with the class, it will be easier to start taking regular beginner or mixed class.
There are several modifications that we recommend for pregnant clients, including:

Stall-bar stretch:
Skip the stretch on the stall bar, which students usually perform before and after class, so as not to over-stretch your internal organs.

"Cobra" or "counter-stretch":
Do a “cat stretch” on your hands and knees instead of “cobra stretch”

Thigh stretch:
During thigh stretch series, do not take the option to do a split (due to hormonal changes, pregnant students are more flexible in their hips so it’s important to stretch gently). Instead, stick with the “hamstring stretch” position.
Continue to use the modifications above, and add the following ones:

One-weight lifts:
For one-weight lifts, work with your back at less of a forward angle or hold onto the bar for balance.

You can do pushups against the bar with your heels up or down.

Stretch at the bar:
Do stretch at the bar in a kneeling position.
For seat-work, replace the “fold-over” and “arabesque” exercises with “standing seat” or “diagonal seat.”
In round-back, place three or four riser mats under your large exercise mat (your instructor will give them to you). Lean on the risers so that your spine is at no more than 45 degrees back. The risers allow you to gently stretch your lower back and work your lower abs at the same time. This position will keep the weight of your uterus from tiling back onto major blood vessels. Hold onto a strap over the arch of your extended foot.
In flat-back, keep one or both of your feet on the floor if you feel uncomfortable lifting both at the same time.

In curl, lean on three or four “riser” mats as you did during “round-back.” Substitute both versions of “clam” and “low curl with one or both legs up” with any of the other curl exercises that are taught with both feet on the floor. Start and stop as needed during the curl section.

Stretches after curl:
During the stretches after curl, do the sitting “mermaid stretch” (shown) in place of the prone back stretch. Sit up with both knees bent to one side. Lift your opposite arm and gently lean your torso sideways towards your feet

Modify “back-dancing” by kneeling in front of the bar and holding onto it rather than lying down.

Final stretch:
In the final stretch, replace butterfly stretch with a half lotus stretch. During the “strap stretch,” sit up and place one foot in the strap. Place your other leg with a bent knee on the floor for stability.
Bar Online
Beginner – A simpler class with concentration on learning the technique and set-ups with fewer reps in each exercise.
Method - Low impact. High reward. Our classic interval-training workout is designed to help you lose inches by burning fat and sculpting lean muscles. A well-designed sequence of specific movements will target and reshape your muscles. And stretches incorporated throughout the class will tone and elongate your body. The best method to transform and renew you.
Bar Strength - YES, YOU CAN. Strength comes to those willing to do hard things. This barre strength class amplifies our signature barre exercises with challenging weight work and compound movements to get deeper into the muscle. Push yourself to grab that heavier weight! Your stronger mind and body will thank you.
Advanced – A faster paced class with limited set-ups, more exercises, challenging positions and advanced techniques. This level is ideal for clients who are already familiar with Method classes and want to push their limits.
Bar Method Cardio - Aspire to perspire!! This heart-pumping class features high intensity yet low impact movements that will push you to the max. The continuous and fast-paced cardio barre class design will challenge you AND leave you feeling energized, invigorated, and a little sweaty.
Bar Flow - Our Bar Flow workout infuses Vinyasa yoga flow sequences into our signature Bar Method class to help you strengthen, stretch, and energize. By constantly moving and flowing, you will enjoy an elevated heart rate and master grace, balance, and flexibility with every class. Build your muscles, mind, and inner warrior with Bar Flow. We offer a 60 minute & Express version of this format.
Bar Restore - Because flexibility is as important as strength, we offer Bar Restore. The first half of this class features elements of our signature Bar Method class, designed to give you an intense workout. The second half slows down to focus on stretching the muscles you've just challenged. You’ll emerge feeling renewed and recharged!
Prenatal – A Method level class for prenatal clients with specific modifications given throughout.
- A portable ballet barre or something equivalent such as a straight back chair that you can hold onto that is about the height of your hip / waist.
- Two 2-to-4 pound free weights or something similar that you can comfortably hold on to during the workout routines.
- A soft exercise mat or a soft, carpeted floor can work.
- A stretching strap or something similar such as the belt of a bathrobe.
- A workout ball or small throw pillow may be needed for abdominal exercises.
We recommend you do the full workouts a minimum three-to-five times per week. Most people begin to see results as early as three weeks. This is all possible depending on how often you perform the workouts, which level of intensity, and your diet. On average students of The Bar Method see significant results around three months of consistent diet and exercise.
Bar Online is accessible on tablets, smartphones and any other devices that can access the Internet.
We recommend the following for the best experience:
- An internet connection with 500+kbps download and 150kbps upload speeds. You can check your internet connection here: https://www.speedtest.net/.
- At least 500mb of free space on your device
- We recommend Google Chrome and/or one of the latest 3 versions of your browser choice for the best experience.
Steps to Update Billing Information:
- Login to the Bar Online site: https://barmethod.com/signin
- Select Account at the top of the page.
- On the Personal Information tab, scroll to the Payment Methods section.
- You can then Edit or Delete any payment methods.
Steps to Find Gifting Link:
- Login to the Bar Online site: https://barmethod.com/signin
- Select the Menu in the top right corner of the page.
- Select Account / Account Settings.
- Scroll to “Gifts Purchased” section.
- Click “Show Gift Link” – copy link.
- Send to friend / gift recipient.
You can place an order after creating a Bar Method Store account, which is separate from other services such as Bar Online, or for The Bar Method Studios.
Please Contact Us with a description of your issue. For security purposes, you will be asked security questions to confirm your identity.
We currently accept all major credit cards; Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Shipping method will vary by the vendor from which products are offered. We also provide online tracking information for your order. Shipping costs vary by product weight, packaging, zip code and shipping method. All are calculated automatically via the store website. IMPORTANT: Please double check the address entered for shipping location. It should be entered exactly how it is shown on your regular mail.
Free ground shipping promotions (unless otherwise specified) apply to orders shipping to locations within the continental United States (excluding Alaska & Hawaii) & Canada.
Make sure any mail from The Bar Method is approved in your email to avoid it showing up in your junk mail. Check any junk mail folders for any emails from ShopTheBarMethod@bdainc.com. If you are sure you have received nothing, please contact Customer Service for further assistance.
Depending on the type of shipping picked, simple mistakes can occur like accidental delivery to a neighbor. If not, please Contact Us with your inquiry.
Please Contact Us regarding your order as soon as possible and state your Order number in the subject line to look up your order quickly.
If you receive an order that was not placed by anyone at that household, please Contact Us with any questions and inquiries.
The Bar Method will replace any defective item(s) within the 1st 60 days after the purchase date. Postage will be charged to the client for orders older than 30 days.
At The Bar Method, we want you to be satisfied with your retail purchase. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, initiate a return request via The Bar Method Store (under “My Account”) within 14 days of receipt.
If you have additional questions regarding a return please contact us for additional information on your return.
Items purchased at a local studio are not returnable to the online store. You must contact the specific studio location in which the item(s) were purchased.
We offer Bar Method exclusive items and many National Branded products. Categories include:
- Equipment (mats, straps, balls, dumbbells, air pumps and home barres)
- Accessories (water bottles, towels, hats, bags, drinkware and other Bar Method gifts)
- Apparel (tanks, leggings, long sleeve tops, sweatshirts)
- Socks (grip socks in lots of styles and colors)
Visit our store site The Bar Method Store under the Equipment category. The ballet barre is also available in many packages as well. Please note that this is not the same ballet barre that is shown in all class recordings, nor at any studio locations.
Our customer service representatives are available to answer your questions.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. PST
Toll Free Phone Number: 1-888-349-2595
Email: ShopTheBarMethod@bdainc.com
We appreciate your business and hope that you will shop The Bar Method again in the near future.IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19
Vaccination requirements vary dependent on your Bar Method location in accordance with local mandates and guidelines. Please contact your studio for more information on COVID-19 protocol.