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Joyful Movement

“I love the results I get from The Bar Method, but more importantly, it has given me courage and a belief in myself that I’ve never gotten from a workout before.” We all have different reasons for coming back to the barre day after day, or year after year, but blogger and mother, Amy, is here to remind you that your workout should never be a punishment. Continue reading to get Amy’s perspective on joyful movement…
Happiness is carving out an hour in my schedule to kick off my tennis shoes, put on my grippy socks and find myself at the barre.
There have been many seasons of my life that exercise didn’t bring joy to my life, rather it felt like a chore I had to do in order to lose or maintain weight, fit into a dress or punish myself for eating something I told myself I shouldn’t have.
Gone are the days that I “punish” myself by making myself work out, especially a workout that I don’t enjoy.
For years I tried to be a runner. I even ran in several races but running never made my body feel good afterwards. I loved the runner’s high, but I would ache and my knees and back had a hard time handling the pounding of the pavement. The last race I ran in was a 10k and my IT band was so irritated by the time I got done I could barely walk after crossing the finish line. I decided to hang up my running shoes for a while after that and replace that workout with one that not only brought me joy, but one that my body felt better after doing as well.
That’s when Bar Method became my primary workout. I love the results I get from Bar Method, but more importantly, it has given me courage and a belief in myself that I’ve never gotten from a workout before.
I truly love my time at the barre. I crave this workout. I miss it when I’m unable to go.
That’s how I think we should feel about exercise.
I do not punish myself by going to The Bar Method, I honor my body by making my workouts a priority.
I do not “have” to schedule my workouts, I GET to do so because making time for myself is important to me.
I don’t use my Bar Method workouts to burn off a meal, but I do love that it has helped me appreciate my strong body and not be afraid to give it the fuel it needs.
When you exercise to FEEL good, and make it less about the calories you are burning or the weight you are losing, it can become more enjoyable and something you will learn to enjoy rather than punish yourself with.
Learning to enjoy movement because of the way it makes your body feel is such a freeing feeling versus doing it for a specific result. And though you will get results if you attend Bar Method classes regularly, I think what you’ll find is you begin to crave the community, the strength and the courage you gain when you become a Bar Method member.
I’m so thankful for a workout I love.
I’m so thankful for a workout that has helped me appreciate my body.
I’m so thankful for a workout I do with a smile on my face and I always want to come back for more because it brings me so much joy.
About the Author
Amy Reinecke
Amy is a Bar Method Kansas City client, wife, mother, blogger, and so much more. Check out Amy’s blog & Instagram for more on her beautifully broken journey to health and happiness.
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